Summer Staff Onboarding

Welcome to Summer Staff 2025!

Things to read/review:

Paperwork you need to fill out and/ or send in to Kelsey (

  • Staff Contract (this was emailed to you)
  • Employee Handbook Acknowledgement Form
  • Background Check (go to this link and fill out your information, the completed results will be automatically sent to Kelsey)
  • Medical Form (currently being revised, check back later)
  • Direct Deposit Employee Authorization Form
  • E Stubs Authorization Form
  • I-9 Form
  • W-4 Form (if you are a Montana resident, you also need to fill out a MT W-4)
  • Photo Waiver Form
  • Travel/ Getting to Know You/ Dietary Form (this is a Google Forms survey that you have to do all in one shot, so make sure you have your travel info ready)
  • A picture of the front and back of your Driver’s License (this will be saved in your secure personnel file, and the email will be deleted)
  • A picture of your Passport or Social Security Card (this will be saved in your secure personnel file, and the email will be deleted)
  • CPR Certification (you need a current CPR Certification- if you don’t have one, please find a class to take before summer starts)
  • Lifeguard Certification (if applicable)

Camp is magic!


From the outside looking in summer may seem like our busy season, but Camp Māk-A-Dream works its magic year-round. From special projects in preparation for our major fundraising events to hosting educational workshops at our Gold Creek campus, we stay busy regardless of the temperature outside. It just happens to be summertime that we especially look forward to.

Upcoming Events & Programs

Sorry, there are no upcoming events at this time.